The Diamex Team, created in October 2022, brings together seven talented groomers who share a common passion for the art of grooming.
Close-knit, the team has become a real family where laughter, mutual help and support are at the heart.
Under the coordination of Feryal Labed, the Team evolves in a benevolent and stimulating environment, favoring the fulfillment of each individual.
Together, each team member grows, progresses and strives for excellence in the competitions, while cultivating team spirit and commitment.

“Alone we go faster, together we go further”.



Feryal Labed has been a groomer and grooming salon manager for 25 years. Her professional career has been enriched by in-depth training in dog education, canine behavior and animal massage techniques. Today, Feryal Labed trains future groomers, sharing her experience with pedagogy and kindness. Her educational approach, combining practical know-how and theory, enables her students to develop solid skills and prepare for a successful career in grooming.

In addition to her professional skills, Feryal plays a key role in the Diamex Team as coordinator. She leads the team with passion and dedication, supervising training sessions and accompanying the team on competition outings. Her role is not limited to organization: she also ensures that every member feels valued, listened to and supported, creating a positive and motivating working atmosphere. Her ability to create a harmonious environment and her management of human relations make Feryal a central figure in the Diamex Team.  



Charlotte began her training in 2009, graduated in 2012, and opened her salon, Chacha Toilettage, a year later. Passionate about her profession, she continues to train, taking part in advanced courses and refining her techniques by practicing for hours on end on her dogs, who love to be pampered. In her very first competition, Charlotte distinguished herself by winning Best Transformation in the Beginner category. This new challenge awakened a new passion in Charlotte, and when she had the opportunity to be selected to join the Diamex Team in October 2022, she didn’t hesitate for a second and went for it. Her talent and hard work dazzled the coaches, and she joined the team for an exciting new adventure.

Since then, Charlotte has taken part in several international competitions alongside the Diamex Team, notably in Belgium, England and Sweden. After a short break to welcome her daughter, Charlotte is back with a vengeance.



Laura began training as a groomer in 2014, entering a field she’s passionate about.
After graduating, she realized her dream by opening her own salon, EstiDog, on January 1, 2018.
This space allows her to live out her passion to the full: caring for the dogs she looks after every day.
At the same time, Laura is involved with the Canifed association, where she distinguishes herself as a dedicated trainer, appreciated by both her colleagues and her students.

In 2016, Laura began entering grooming competitions, an experience that enabled her to measure her skills against other talented professionals.
These competitions become a real place of learning and improvement for her, encouraging her to push her limits.
Her talent and potential quickly set her apart.
In October 2023, Laura joined the Diamex Team, pursuing her professional development while remaining committed to competitions, where she continues to surpass herself.
Always striving to improve, she is constantly seeking to enrich her skills and give the best of herself, whether in the ring or in her day-to-day work.






Since childhood, Monika has always been close to animals.
She often shared her lunch with the stray dogs in her neighborhood, moments that deeply marked her heart and awakened in her a passion for animal welfare.
After graduating as a groomer in 2015, Monika opened her own grooming salon, ‘t Kefferke, where she puts her expertise and dedication to work every day for the dogs she takes in.

In February 2023, Monika took part in a Diamex Team training session.
This experience led to her first contest in April 2023, where she felt the unique adrenalin of competition as she stepped into the ring against other professionals.
A month later, she officially joined the Diamex Team, marking the start of a new adventure.
Passionate, creative and always on the lookout for new inspiration, Monika has discovered a passion for Asian Style, a discipline in which she excels and delivers superb performances.
Monika epitomizes the image of the passionate, committed and determined groomer who is constantly striving to improve in order to offer the very best performances, both in her salon and in competitions.



Mélanie is an award-winning groomer and breeder of Pomeranians (Belgian, Luxembourg, International Champion, etc.).
Her passion for this breed began in 2006 when she adopted Datcha, her first Spitz, a meeting that changed her life.
Brought up in the world of dog shows, Mélanie trained in Pomeranian beauty with the breed’s greatest specialists, to prepare her dogs for dog shows.
Fascinated by the breed, she began breeding and grooming Pomeranians alongside her work in the social sector.
Throughout her apprenticeship, Mélanie combined her favorite techniques to develop her own style.
Today, she is recognized as a world expert in Spitz grooming.

In 2022, she met the Diamex Team during a competition, and was invited to take part in a selection day to join the team.
Seduced by the energy of the group, Mélanie, despite her busy schedule, accepted this new challenge.
She thus launched herself into grooming competitions with the Diamex Team, first with her Pomeranians, then more recently with Bichons Frises.
For Mélanie, competition, challenges and adrenalin are essential driving forces, and she’s always ready for the next adventure.



In 2021, Molly travels to the Golden Groomer, the very first grooming competition she attends.
At this event, Molly was amazed and inspired by the work carried out by the competitors in the ring.
She immediately wanted to be in the groomers’ shoes, to enter the ring and practice her passion.
It was also there that she discovered the Diamex Team for the first time.

Molly enthusiastically began her grooming training in June 2022.
Less than a year later, she entered her very first competition, the Diamex Master Groomer, and in September 2023 she joined the Diamex Team, becoming the youngest member of the team.
Molly is a promising young groomer, and from her very first outings in grooming competitions, she has made a name for herself, winning first place in her category several times.

In June 2024, Molly took her first steps as a Handler, where she reached the ring of honor with a young Poodle.
The following month, she opened her grooming salon Chez Molly et Lucie.



Passionate about dogs from an early age, it was thanks to Aïka, her first American Cocker Spaniel, that Jemi embarked on her grooming career in 2016.
Two years after starting her training, she discovered the world of dog shows by taking part in Groomania.
Constantly on the lookout for new challenges, competitions instantly appealed to her.

After graduating in 2018, Jemi opened her own Caninity grooming salon, while continuing to train by taking part in workshops, seminars and online courses.
She also joins Aicha Vermeulen’s grooming team, with whom she takes part in several competitions.
Parallel to her grooming activity, Jemi became a school trainer for a year, and in 2023, she decided to open her own training center and expand Caninity’s business.

A member of the Diamex Team since October 2022 and specializing in American Cocker Spaniels, she competes with her bitch Olivia in the Spaniel & Setter Open category, but Jemi is now keen to take on new challenges, which is why she has adopted Rocky, a large Poodle with whom she intends to win every title.